
from a sociological perspective, it could be argued that the reason why interest rates are still at lows is because of the vast importance individuals currently attach to the future

© Heath Muchena, 2015

4 Comments on “65.6”

  1. Hmmm… econoically speaking, wouldn’t supply and demand suggest interest rates should then be high?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I of July says:

    Hmmm… I don’t think if you were looking out for your ‘future’ you’d be interested in high-interest rate debt, would you?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. You are right that I would prefer a lower interest rate. However, the market is driven by how much I would be willing to spend. So, if I really want that car *now* or that house *now* in order to secure my future, then demand is high and interest rates rise. Interest rates fall when the economy needs a boost. That is, when people are inclined to secure their future by not spending money. Especially money they don’t have.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I of July says:

    you said it 🙂


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